Functional Nutritional Therapy

You are a unique person with bio-individual needs. This means that your health needs are as unique as you!

Using in-depth questionnaires, one-on-one discussions, reiki, muscle testing, lingual neural testing, as well as other tools, I can ascertain what nutrition your body is seeking in order to heal and function at its optimum. Your body is working diligently to keep you as vital as possible, you just need to provide it with the proper raw materials in the form of whole food nutrition!

HTMA - Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Minerals serve as co-factors for our metabolic activity. An imbalance or a deficiency of minerals can cause all forms of health maladies.

An HTMA provides a non-invasive, clear picture of your mineral status. Whether our minerals be low/high, or out of balance with other minerals in our body, creating a proper mineral ratio is foundational to our healing.

With an HTMA analysis, you will be provided with a nutritional protocol to help you bring your mineral levels and ratios back into balance and bring your body back to health!

HTMA analysis are included with the Renew and Restore focused healing package.

Reiki Options - local in-person or online anywhere you are!

  • Quick Tune

    Choose a 30 minute reiki session for a refreshing tune-in! $80

  • Rebalance

    Spend 60 minutes engaged in coming home to your body, mind, and spirit. $150

  • Transformation

    Book 3 separate hour-long reiki sessions to commit to inherent transformation. $400

The Restart Program

Real Food. Real Learning. Real Support.

Learn how to regain your health in just a couple hours a week for five weeks with The Restart Program’s whole food education. Participants who have completed the program enjoy increased energy, better mood, better quality sleep, improved immune function, clearer thinking, and better fitting clothes.

Participant fee of $350

Discounts available!

In-person and online groups!

Are you ready to Restart?

Blood Flow = Life

A tree is only as strong as it’s roots, just as you are only as strong as what lies at your foundation - blood flow. Nearly 75% of your blood flow is compromised. This leads to the downward cascade of health - low energy, low immune function, toxic buildup, poor sleep, emotional imbalances, and slow recovery time.

Heightened Nutritional Therapy, LLC aids in the optimization of health by incorporating a Class II medical device into your health protocol. This safe, effective, non-invasive technology increases blood flow by up to 30% whereby increasing all facets of wellness and health.

Interested in a free session?