Look for local and online groups starting March 2025!
Join us as we take control of our health!
5 weeks of whole-foods health education!
Reach out for more information!
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Interested in forming your own online or in-person Restart group? Contact Laura today!
Click the link to learn more:
Instructor Bio | The RESTART® Program (therestartprogram.com)
Restart Your Health in Just 5 Weeks!
In Person and Online Groups Starting Soon!
Part nutritional education, part sugar detox, part support group – an empowering combination!
The RESTART® Program is a simple, powerful way to give your body a vacation from sugar and processed foods. With a 3-week sugar detox built right in, the program focuses on how to use REAL FOOD to boost your energy, reduce inflammation and get rid of sugar and carb cravings. Discover how good you can feel!
WEEK 1 Get Ready! Learn how to prepare mentally, physically, and emotionally for your successful REAL FOOD sugar detox.
WEEK 2 Healthy digestion is critical - how is yours? Find out how it’s designed to work and how to optimize your digestion to get the most out of your healthy diet.
WEEK 3 So what’s the big deal about sugar? Learn how your body responds to excess sugar and refined carbs, and learn how to get off of the sugar rollercoaster.
WEEK 4 Think fat makes you fat? We unveil the truth about dietary FATS and why healthy fats are essential to your diet. Learn which ones to enjoy, which ones to avoid and why.
WEEK 5 YOU DID IT! You can move forward with your success and keep feeling great! Learn how to integrate the tools and skills you’ve acquired through The RESTART® Program.
Benefits That Participants Have Experienced
Increased Energy
Boosted Immune System
More Restful Sleep
Clarity and Focus
Clothes Fit Better
Decreased Anxiety
The best time to Restart was yesterday. The second best time is NOW!
There is never a “perfect” time to make a change. There will always be some perceived or real obstacle standing between you and your health. All you have to do is CHOOSE YOURSELF! You deserve to feel well again!
Are you ready to Restart?